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85407 Air Vent / Cover Lock
The cover lock automatically exhausts air as you begin heating the unit, acts as a visual indication of pressure in the canner.
For Models
0175003 0175002 0175004 0175005 0175006 0175001 0174001
0135004 0135001 0171001 0171002 0171003 0175107 0177001
0211101 0178107 0215101 0215102 0178006 017800 0178001
0178002 0178003 0178004 0131004 0131001 01/PE6 01/PE3
01/PS4 01/PS6 0121001 01/PA6H 01/PA6 01/C22 01/C17
01/CG22 01/PA4 01/PA4H 01/C13 0121002 0126101 0125005
0126102 0126104 0126105 0121004 0125004 0122101 0122102
0122104 0125002 0125001 |